common area cleaning

As a home owner, you want your house to look and feel its best. The key to achieving that goal is proper preparation before the arrival of any house cleaning service. Preparing your home for house cleaning services can be time-consuming, but with careful planning and organization it doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful. By following some simple steps such as gathering supplies, preparing each room in advance, and making sure all surfaces are clean in the bathroom and kitchen – you will ensure that when the professional cleaners arrive they can quickly get started on their job of providing a sparkling clean living space for you. Read on for more information about how to prepare your home for house cleaning service so that everyone involved has an enjoyable experience.

Table of Contents:

Gather Supplies

Having the right supplies on hand is essential for a successful house cleaning service. Cleaning tools such as mops, brooms, and sponges are necessary to clean hard-to-reach areas and remove dirt from surfaces. Protective gear like gloves and masks should also be used to protect yourself from any potential allergens or irritants in the home. Finally, detergents and solutions can help sanitize surfaces and ensure that your home is thoroughly cleaned.

Cleaning Tools:

Mops, brooms, dusters, sponges – these are all important tools for cleaning different types of surfaces in your home. Mops are great for floors because they can reach into corners and crevices where dirt may have accumulated over time. Brooms can be used to sweep up large amounts of debris quickly while dusters can help you get rid of cobwebs or other particles stuck on walls or ceilings. Sponges are perfect for wiping down countertops or sinks after washing them with soap and water.

Protective Gear:

When it comes to protecting yourself during a house cleaning session, wearing protective gear such as gloves and masks is highly recommended. Gloves will keep your hands safe from any harsh chemicals that may be present in some detergents or solutions while masks will filter out airborne particles that could cause irritation if inhaled directly into the lungs. It’s also important to wear clothes that cover most of your body so you don’t come into contact with anything potentially hazardous during the process of cleaning up a space in someone else’s home.

Detergents specifically designed for household use should always be kept on hand when performing a professional house cleaning service since they contain ingredients which effectively break down grease buildup without damaging delicate fabrics or finishes found throughout many homes today. Additionally, disinfectant sprays containing bleach can help kill germs on frequently touched objects like doorknobs, light switches, faucets etc., ensuring an even higher level of cleanliness than what would otherwise be achieved by simply wiping them down with cloths alone.

Gather all the necessary supplies for your house cleaning service, such as cleaning tools, protective gear, and detergents and solutions. This will ensure that you have everything you need to properly prepare the room for a thorough clean.

Key Takeaway: When preparing for a house cleaning service, it’s important to have the right supplies on hand such as mops, brooms, sponges, protective gear and detergents. This will ensure that your home is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.

Prepare the Room

Preparing a room for house cleaning is an important step in ensuring that the job is done correctly. Moving furniture and objects away from walls and corners makes it easier to clean. This includes items such as couches, chairs, tables, rugs, lamps, bookshelves, etc. Make sure to move them out of the way so you can access all areas of the room.

Vacuuming and dusting surfaces helps remove dirt, dust particles and debris that may have built up over time. Use a vacuum cleaner with attachments like crevice tools or dusters to get into hard-to-reach places like baseboards or window sills. You can also use a damp cloth or microfiber mop for extra cleaning power on floors and other surfaces if needed.

Finally, cobwebs and dust bunnies are often found in high corners of ceilings or walls where they’re difficult to reach without proper equipment. Using a broom or vacuum attachment will help make this task much easier while still ensuring safety by avoiding the need for ladders or scaffolding. Once these steps are completed your room should be ready for deep cleaning.

Once the room is prepared, it’s time to move on to cleaning the bathroom. Make sure to sanitize all surfaces and scrub any tile walls for a sparkling clean result.

Clean the Bathroom

When cleaning the bathroom, it is important to start by sanitizing the toilet bowls and sinks with an appropriate cleaner or solution. This will help remove any bacteria that may be present in these areas. It is also a good idea to use protective gear such as gloves and a face mask when dealing with harsh chemicals or solutions. After sanitizing, scrub showers, tubs, and tile walls with a brush or sponge to remove soap scum buildup. For tougher stains, use an abrasive cleaner like baking soda mixed with water for extra scrubbing power. Finally, wipe down mirrors, counters, cabinets, faucets knobs handles and other fixtures with an all-purpose cleaner or disinfectant spray. Be sure to pay special attention to areas around door frames and windows where dust can accumulate quickly over time.

Once you have finished cleaning the bathroom surfaces, it is important not to forget about floors too. Vacuum carpets if necessary, then mop hardwood floors using warm water mixed with detergent or vinegar for added shine. If you are dealing with tiles, make sure you use a pH neutral cleanser so as not to damage them over time from acidic products like vinegar which can erode grout lines between tiles causing discoloration of your flooring surface over time.

Once you have sanitized the toilet bowls and sinks, scrubbed showers, tubs, and tile walls, and wiped down mirrors, counters, and cabinets in the bathroom it’s time to move on to the kitchen.

Clean the Kitchen

When it comes to house cleaning, the kitchen is often one of the most important areas to clean. Before a house cleaning service arrives, it’s essential to disinfect countertops and appliances with an appropriate cleaner or solution. This will help reduce germs and bacteria that can spread throughout your home.

Next, scrub sinks, floors, and backsplashes with a brush or sponge to remove food residue buildup. Be sure to use hot water when scrubbing surfaces for maximum effectiveness. Finally wipe down cabinets and drawers with an all-purpose cleaner or disinfectant spray for added protection against germs and bacteria.

It’s also important to pay attention to small details such as door handles, light switches, refrigerator handles, faucets knobs etc., which are often overlooked during regular house cleaning services but can be breeding grounds for germs if not properly sanitized regularly. Make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand before starting your kitchen cleaning project such as sponges, rags/paper towels/microfiber cloths depending on what type of surface you’re dealing with (i.e glass vs wood), protective gloves if needed etc

By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your kitchen is thoroughly cleaned in no time. Make sure to have all the necessary supplies on hand before starting your cleaning project such as sponges, rags/paper towels/microfiber cloths depending on what type of surface you’re dealing with (i.e glass vs wood), protective gloves if needed etc. Additionally, pay attention to small details such as door handles, light switches, refrigerator handles and faucet knobs which are often overlooked during regular house cleaning services but can be breeding grounds for germs if not properly sanitized regularly.

FAQs in Relation to How to Prepare Your Home for House Cleaning Service

Should you be home when cleaners come?

It is generally recommended that you be home when cleaners come to your house. This will allow you to provide instructions and answer any questions the cleaners may have. Additionally, it allows you to check that all areas of the house are being cleaned as expected. Being present also ensures that your belongings are safe and secure while the cleaning is taking place. If for some reason you cannot be home during a scheduled cleaning, make sure to communicate this with the cleaner beforehand so they can plan accordingly.

What is the first thing you should do when cleaning a house?

The first step to cleaning a house is to create an organized plan. Start by making a list of the tasks that need to be completed, such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping floors and bathrooms, wiping down surfaces, etc. Then prioritize those tasks in order of importance or urgency. Once you have your plan in place it will be easier to focus on each task one at a time and stay motivated throughout the process. Additionally, having a plan can help ensure that all areas are cleaned thoroughly and efficiently so that no area is left untouched.

What should I do to prepare for a deep cleaning?

1. Gather all the necessary cleaning supplies such as sponges, rags, mops, brooms, vacuum cleaners and any other tools you may need.

2. Clear out clutter from each room to make it easier to clean thoroughly. Remove items that don’t belong in the space or are not needed for everyday use.

3. Dust surfaces like furniture and shelves before vacuuming carpets and mopping floors so dirt is not redistributed throughout the house while cleaning.

4. Clean windows inside and out using a glass cleaner and squeegee for best results; wash window screens with warm water and soap if needed.

5. Wipe down walls with a damp cloth to remove dust build-up; scrub grout lines on tile surfaces with an old toothbrush dipped in baking soda solution for extra sparkle. 6. Clean out the refrigerator and oven; use a mild cleaner to remove any stuck-on food or grease.

7. Vacuum furniture, curtains, and other fabrics to remove dust particles; launder bedding and towels as needed.

8. Empty all trash cans in each room before replacing liners with fresh ones; take out large garbage bags for disposal if necessary. 9. Finally, give the house a final once-over to make sure all surfaces are clean and dust-free.

What to clean before the cleaning lady comes?

Before the cleaning lady arrives, it is important to do some basic housekeeping. This includes tidying up any messes and putting away items that are out of place. Vacuuming or sweeping floors should also be done in order to remove dirt and dust from carpets and hard surfaces. Additionally, all surfaces such as countertops, tables, shelves, etc., should be wiped down with a damp cloth or paper towel. Finally, bathrooms should be cleaned by scrubbing toilets and sinks as well as wiping down mirrors and other fixtures. Doing these tasks will help ensure that the cleaning lady can focus on deep-cleaning areas of your home more efficiently during her visit.


By gathering supplies, preparing each room, and cleaning the bathroom and kitchen beforehand, you can ensure that your home will be sparkling clean when the cleaners arrive. Taking these steps to prepare your home for house cleaning service will make it easier for them to do their job quickly and efficiently so you can enjoy a spotless space without any hassle.

If you’re looking for an easy and efficient way to get your home spick-and-span, hiring a professional house cleaning service is the perfect solution. With their expert knowledge and experience, they can make sure every corner of your home is spotless in no time at all. So don’t wait any longer – take action now and let us help you prepare your home for a thorough clean!